Gabi's Journey: Overcoming Acne with Dermal Needling

Gabi's Journey: Overcoming Acne with Dermal Needling

Acne is a common skin condition that can have a significant impact on a person's self-esteem and confidence. Gabi, a 20-year-old who had battled with acne throughout her life, discovered a life-changing solution after undergoing a single session of dermal needling.

Gabi's struggle with acne began during her teenage years. Determined to find a solution, she tirelessly explored various treatments, medications, and skincare products in pursuit of clear skin. She tried facials, had regular appointments with dermatologists, medications, over-the-counter creams, and even prescribed drugs like Accutane, hoping for a breakthrough. However, despite her efforts, her skin issues persisted, leaving her frustrated and disheartened.

After OFF & ON launched dermal needling, Gabi conducted thorough research and consulted with the team about this new treatment. Intrigued by its potential benefits in stimulating collagen production and improving the texture of the skin, she decided to give it a try.

During the dermal needling session, a specialised device with fine needles was gently applied to Gabi's skin. The controlled micro-injuries created by the procedure triggered the skin's natural healing process. As the treatment progressed, Gabi experienced a mild tingling sensation, which she found tolerable.

After her session, Gabi’s skin only got better. There were no breakouts or upsets and she was truly amazed at the transformation her skin was having. Her acne scarring and acne was subsiding and her skin was becoming clear of blemishes. The treatment had provided her a renewed sense of confidence and self-assurance.

Gabi says, "I can’t believe how much my skin has transformed after just one session of dermal needling. It’s been unbelievable and cliché to say that it has actually changed my life. I had almost given up hope on my acne prone skin – especially my acne, but this treatment is what I’ve been looking for. I can’t believe this worked – and instantly - compared to my other medicines and ointments I had used. I finally feel comfortable and confident in my own skin, and it's an incredible feeling."

Gabi understands that her success story doesn't end with a single treatment session. She remains committed to the skincare routine recommended by her OFF & ON clinician, ensuring that the benefits of dermal needling are further enhanced. Day by day, her skin is continuing to improve. Gabi's story is an inspiration for others facing acne problems, as dermal needling may be the right treatment to overcome ongoing skin concerns which can also help regain confidence in one's own appearance.

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Disclaimer: Dermal needling can treat acne stages from 1 to 3. A consultation is necessary for any new clients to assess suitability.


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